Health and the Law

Our firm provides leading services in the area of health. We know how overwhelming it can be trying to effectively navigate today's regulatory environment and capitalize on opportunities in the area of health. Because we have an in-depth understanding of the relationship between government and the global health care marketplace, we provide legal solutions that are aligned with business strategy.

We are uniquely positioned to serve providers and suppliers of health care services and products and all other players in the health care sector. We work with them as regulatory lawyers, and also as their strategic advisers, lobbyists, litigators, and dealmakers. From start-ups to multinational enterprises to trade associations, our clients come from every part of the health care sector of the worldwide economy.

One thing that makes us so effective is that our team includes an exceptional team of lawyers who are experiences in this field. Our close contacts with government mean that we have insider insight into institutional thinking and decision-making processes at regulatory agencies so that we can better persuade them to take a certain view or course of action.

We also collaborate with firms in the region to provide seamless cross-border representation in the whole East African region. The broad array of organizations we represent in the health care sector, and our ability to meet all of their regulatory and other legal needs make us your one-stop resource for anticipating and responding to health care legal issues.